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Scleromalacia Perforans - A Case of Extreme Scleral Thinning due to Radiation Treatment of a Pterygium

Graham Lee

Scleromalacia Perforans - A Case of Extreme Scleral Thinning due to Radiation Treatment of a Pterygium

Scleromalacia perforans is thinning of the sclera associated with various causes including autoimmune disease, infection and irradiation.  This video presents a case due to previous pterygium treatment.  The advanced stage of the pathology limits the potential for definitive repair and discusses the risks of complications such as sympathic ophthalmia and the role of enucleation.

Graham Lee

Brisbane, Australia

Professor Graham Lee is one of a few specialists in the world who have completed both corneal & external diseases (Moorfields Eye Hospital, London) and glaucoma fellowships (Birmingham and Midlands Eye Hospital, Birmingham).

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