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Q. IOL Insertion (3)

Graham Lee

Q. IOL Insertion (3)

Residual lens epithelial cells can be polished off the posterior capsule using cohesive viscoelastic from the end of the cannula. There are other instruments for this purpose including a silicone-tipped cannula. The posterior capsule is very delicate, so if it proves too adherent to remove all opacities it is better to leave the material and perform a YAG capsulotomy at a future time. Preferably this is done at least 3 months post-operatively to allow bag contraction around the intraocular lens for optimal stability. If a significantly dense posterior capsular opacity is noted pre-operatively, the patient needs to be advised that full removal of the opacity may not be able to be completely performed at the time of the surgery and the need for a post-operative laser procedure to achieve the final vision. 

Graham Lee

Brisbane, Australia

Professor Graham Lee is one of a few specialists in the world who have completed both corneal & external diseases (Moorfields Eye Hospital, London) and glaucoma fellowships (Birmingham and Midlands Eye Hospital, Birmingham).

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