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P. IOL Insertion (2)

Graham Lee

P. IOL Insertion (2)

Prior to intraocular lens insertion, the capsular bag must be fully inflated with viscoelastic to prevent damage to the capsule. This also helps reduce any stress on the zonular complex. A capsular tension ring can also be useful at this stage to stabilise the bag. There are various sizes and styles, however the preloaded type avoids the need to load into an injector and is easier to place into the capsular bag. The leading haptic of the intraocular lens is directed down into the capsular bag followed by the optic. The trailing haptic sometimes can be placed directly into the bag, however depending on the lens style it may need to be manipulated with a Kuglen hook, ensuring the lens is fully within the capsular bag. The micro-Bonn forceps can be used to open the keratotomy wound as well as stabilise the globe to provide countertraction during the insertion process.

Graham Lee

Brisbane, Australia

Professor Graham Lee is one of a few specialists in the world who have completed both corneal & external diseases (Moorfields Eye Hospital, London) and glaucoma fellowships (Birmingham and Midlands Eye Hospital, Birmingham).

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